Filming/Photography Permit
All commercial filming activities taking place within GFP designated areas require a permit. Commercial filming includes electronic, magnetic, digital, or other recording of a moving image by a person, business, or other entity for a market audience with the intent of generating income. All filming permits issued are “revocable” on 24-hour’s notice or without notice if the terms of the permit are violated. Deliberate infractions of terms contained in the filming permit or the deliberate making of false or misleading statements concerning intended actions in order to obtain a permit are causes for immediate termination of the permit.
We collect two fees: a location fee and cost recovery fee.
- A Cost Recovery fee charges for GFP time and services. The current rate, subject to change based on the size and complexity of the permit, is $50.00 per hour per state employee.
- Commercial filming costs include:
- 1-10 people - $150/day | 11-30 people - $250/day | 31-49 people - $500/day | Over 50 people - $750/day
- Still photography costs include:
- 1-10 people - $50/day | 11-30 people - $150/day | Over 30 people - $250/day
Still photographers require a permit only when:
- The activity takes place at location(s) where or when members of the public are generally not allowed; or
- The activity uses model(s), set(s), or prop(s) that are not a part of the location’s natural or cultural resources or administrative facilities; or
- Requires special assistance or support from GFP staff.
GFP staff evaluate each permit and take the following into consideration prior to approval:
- Potential impacts on natural or cultural resources,
- Potential impacts on park programs and operations,
- Potential impacts on visitor access and experiences,
- Alignment with the rules and mission.
You will be required to obtain liability insurance in an amount commensurate with the risk posed to park resources by your proposed activity.
You will be notified of the status of the application and the necessary steps to secure your final permit.
There may be additional fees charged based on the complexity of the permit and you will be required to provide proof of liability insurance.