Forms & Permits

Photo © Eileen Dowd-Stukel

Banded Peregrine Falcon Report

Peregrine falcon chicks purchased from captive breeders were reintroduced in downtown Rapid City in 2011, 2012 and 2013. Prior to release, each bird was fitted with noninvasive identification markers. A U.S. Geological Survey band (similar to bands used to mark songbirds and waterfowl) was secured on one leg and a red, uniquely-coded band on the other leg. 

Although mortality for young birds is very high, we hope that some birds from the Rapid City releases will survive and return to nest in the area.

To report a color-banded Peregrine Falcon, please complete the below information and/or contact Please note which leg has a red color band and the code, if you are able to read it. South Dakota birds have red bands with white lettering -  a two-digit number over the letter A, repeated three times around the band. Reintroduced birds have a silver band on the other leg.

For more information on the Peregrine Falcon reintroduction please visit the Wildlife Action Plan Explorer.

Observer Information
Where Spotted

Which leg is the band on? * Required

be as specific as possible

Were photos taken? * Required