Walleye Length Limit on Lake Poinsett Removed
November 7, 2017Photo copyright Sam Stukel
PIERRE, S.D. - The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) Commission removed the 15 inch minimum size restriction for walleye on Lake Poinsett at their November meeting last week. The length limit removal will go into effect on Jan. 1, 2018.
The Lake Poinsett walleye population has a large year class present. Fish growth is slow and walleyes are succumbing to natural mortality prior to attaining 15 inches in length and being available for anglers to harvest.
GFP Mission: The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks provides sustainable outdoor recreational opportunities through responsible management of our state’s parks, fisheries and wildlife by fostering partnerships, cultivating stewardship and safely connecting people with the outdoors. |
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