Since joining the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) as Department Secretary, I have been reminded again and again that the hunting, fishing, camping and other outdoor recreational opportunities are almost limitless in this state. More importantly, the passion, dedication and engagement of our staff and South Dakota’s sportsmen and women are unmatched.
Customer service is a large part of our mission and continues to be at the forefront of who we are as an agency. Listening to our customers, making changes to accommodate their needs and the needs of others, being helpful, courteous, transparent and reliable are all ways to building lasting relationships with our customers.
Kelly is a native to South Dakota; born in Deadwood and graduated from Spearfish High School before receiving his Bachelor of Science degree in Fish and Wildlife Management from Montana State University in 1978.
Kelly has enjoyed over 30 years of marriage to Carol Riedner Hepler, who is originally from Wisconsin. They have two grown children, Zachary and Maggie, and are avid fans of the Green Bay Packers.