Interstate Compact
The Interstate Wildlife Violator Compact (IWVC) is an agreement among 46 participating states to share information regarding sportsman fishing, hunting, and trapping violations, which is patterned after the Nonresidents Drivers License Compact. The IWVC obligates members to report wildlife violation convictions to Compact members, gives the members the capability to honor each other's suspensions, and provides the method to exchange violator data between member states.
Essentially, a violator convicted in one Compact member state may be barred from participating in hunting, fishing, and trapping in all member states, at the discretion of each state.
Resident Consequences and Failure to Comply
If you are a South Dakota resident and receive a wildlife citation for violating one of the state's hunting, fishing, or trapping laws; do not to ignore the terms of the wildlife citation. If you fail to comply with the terms of the citation you may lose your respective hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges in South Dakota, as well as in the other Compact states.
If you are a South Dakota resident and receive a wildlife citation for violating one of the other Compact state's hunting, fishing, or trapping laws; you may risk losing your respective hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges.
Nonresident Consequences and Failure to Comply
If you receive a citation for violating one or more of South Dakota's hunting, fishing, or trapping laws and if you fail to comply with the terms of the wildlife citation, the State of South Dakota will formally notify you of your failure to comply. The State of South Dakota will then notify the wildlife agency of the state in which you reside. The wildlife agency of your home state will notify you regarding your failure to comply with the terms of the wildlife citation issued in South Dakota.
After receiving the notification from your home state, if you fail to comply with the terms of the wildlife citation issued in South Dakota, your home state may then initiate suspension of your respective hunting, fishing, or trapping privileges. The suspension of privilege will remain in effect until your home state receives satisfactory evidence from South Dakota that you complied with the terms of the wildlife citation issued in South Dakota. Pending such notification, your respective privileges will be suspended indefinitely in your home state and the other states that comprise the Compact.
If you formally indicate your desire to contest the case in court, the suspension of privileges will not be implemented during the period of time the case is being contested.
South Dakota Point of Contact:
Andy Alban, Law Enforcement Administrator
GFP Division of Wildlife | 523 East Capitol Avenue | Pierre, South Dakota 57501
605.773.3387 or