Commission Overview
Acting within its legislative mandates, the GFP Commission serves as the advocate and liason between the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks and its customers and partners. The Commission consists of eight members, appointed by the Governor for four year terms.
Listen to the Game, Fish and Parks Commission via Live Stream.
January 11 | 1-5 p.m. CT - January 12 | 8 a.m. - Noon CT
RedRossa Convention Center | Pierre
- Agenda
- Notice of Public Hearing
- Public Comments
- Commission Book
December 14 | 1-5 p.m. CT - December 15 | 8 a.m. - Noon CT
RedRossa Convention Center | Pierre
Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Requirements
All South Dakota state government boards and commissions are subject to the conflicts of interest disclosure requirements contained in Chapter 3-23 of the South Dakota Codified Laws. The GFP Commission will comply with the requirements of this law by following a procedure for the conflict of interest disclosure. At the beginning of each GFP Commission meeting, the chair reads paragraphs 1-5 and asks if any commissioner has a conflict that needs to be disclosed. If any commissioner discloses conflict, the chair will finish reading paragraphs 5-9. Then the Commission will consider and act upon the conflict.
How Changes to South Dakota's Outdoor Resources are Made
- Interested in learning more about how your voice can be heard when it comes to the management of South Dakota's outdoor resources?
- Making changes in how the Department manages or regulates these resources requires different procedures and actions depending on whether the desired change is governed by state law, administrative rule of Department policy.
- As a service to our customers, we have outlined those steps.
Rule Proposals and Finalizations
- To view proposed rules or new rules, and to comment on them, visit: Administrative Rules Website.
- Rules do not take effect until 20 days after they are filled with the Secretary of State. See all Administrative Rules for the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks.
- Individuals can also provide written comments on commission rule propsals by sending them to 523 East Capitol Avenue, Pierre, SD 57501, or via email to To be included in the public record, comments must include a full name and city of residence and meet the submission deadline of seventy-two hours before the public hearing (not including the day of public hearing) per HB 1006.