Rare Animals

Photo © Keith Anderson

Rare Animals

Scientific Name

Common Name

Federal Status

State Status

Global Rank

State Rank


Necturus maculosus Mudpuppy G5 SH
Acris crepitans Northern Cricket Frog G5 S1
Hyla chrysoscelis Cope's Gray Treefrog G5 S2
Hyla versicolor Gray Treefrog G5 S2
Rana blairi Plains Leopard Frog G5 S3S4
Rana sylvatica Wood Frog G5 S1


Gavia immer Common Loon G5 S1B,S3N
Podiceps auritus Horned Grebe G5 S2B,SZN
Podiceps grisegena Red-necked Grebe G5 S1B,SZN
Aechmophorus clarkii Clark's Grebe G5 S2B,SZN
Pelecanus erythrorhynchos American White Pelican G3 S3B,SZN
Ixobrychus exilis Least Bittern G5 S2B,SZN
Ardea herodias Great Blue Heron G5 S4B,SZN
Casmerodius albus Great Egret G5 S3B,SZN
Egretta thula Snowy Egret G5 S2B,SZN
Egretta caerulea Little Blue Heron G5 S2B,SZN
Egretta tricolor Tricolored Heron G5 S1B,SZN
Butorides virescens Green Heron G5 S2S3B,SZN
Nycticorax nycticorax Black-crowned Night-Heron G5 S3S4B,SZN
Nyctanassa violacea Yellow-crowned Night-Heron G5 SUB,SZN
Plegadis chihi White-faced Ibis G5 S2B,SZN
Cygnus buccinator Trumpeter Swan G4 S3B, S3N
Bucephala albeola Bufflehead G5 S1B,S2N
Lophodytes cucullatus Hooded Merganser G5 S2B,SZN
Mergus merganser Common Merganser G5 S2B,S3N
Pandion haliaetus Osprey ST G5 S1B,SZN
Haliaeetus leucocephalus Bald Eagle G4 S1B,S2N
Accipiter striatus Sharp-shinned Hawk G5 S3B,S3N
Accipiter cooperii Cooper's Hawk G5 S3B,SZN
Accipiter gentilis Northern Goshawk G5 S3B,S2N
Buteo platypterus Broad-winged Hawk G5 S2B,SZN
Buteo swainsoni Swainson's Hawk G5 S4B,SZN
Buteo regalis Ferruginous Hawk G4 S4B,SZN
Aquila chrysaetos Golden Eagle G5 S3S4B,S3N
Falco columbarius Merlin G5 S3B,S3N
Falco peregrinus Peregrine Falcon SE G4 SXB,SZN
Falco mexicanus Prairie Falcon G5 S3S4B,S4N
Coturnicops noveboracensis Yellow Rail G4 SUB,SZN
Rallus elegans King Rail G4G5 S1S2B,SZN
Grus americana Whooping Crane LE SE G1 SZN
Charadrius melodus Piping Plover LT ST G3 S2B,SZN
Charadrius montanus Mountain Plover G2 SX
Himantopus mexicanus Black-necked Stilt G5 S1B,SZN
Numenius borealis Eskimo Curlew LE SE G1 SZN
Numenius americanus Long-billed Curlew G5 S3B,SZN
Scolopax minor American Woodcock G5 S3B,SZN
Larus californicus California Gull G5 S2B,SZN
Hydroprogne caspia Caspian Tern G5 S2B
Sterna hirundo Common Tern G5 S2B,SZN
Sternula antillarum  Least Tern LE SE G4T2Q S2B,SZN
Chlidonias niger Black Tern G4 S3B,SZN
Tyto alba Barn Owl G5 S2B,SZN
Athene cunicularia Burrowing Owl G4 S3S4B,SZN
Asio otus Long-eared Owl G5 S3B,S3N
Aegolius acadicus Northern Saw-whet Owl G5 S3B,S3N
Otus flammeolus Flammulated Owl G4 S1B,SZN
Phalaenoptilus nuttallii Common Poorwill G5 S3B,SZN
Caprimulgus carolinensis Chuck-will's-widow G5 S1B,SZN
Caprimulgus vociferus Whip-poor-will G5 S2B,SZN
Archilochus colubris Ruby-throated Hummingbird G5 S2B,SZN
Melanerpes lewis Lewis's Woodpecker G4 S3B,S3N
Picoides tridactylus Three-toed Woodpecker G5 S2
Picoides arcticus Black-backed Woodpecker G5 S3
Dryocopus pileatus Pileated Woodpecker G5 S1
Contopus cooperi Olive-sided Flycatcher G4 SUB,SZN
Tyrannus vociferans Cassin's Kingbird G5 S2B,SZN
Nucifraga columbiana Clark's Nutcracker G5 S2B,S2N
Sitta pygmaea Pygmy Nuthatch G5 S2S3
Certhia americana Brown Creeper G5 S2B,S3N
Cinclus mexicanus American Dipper ST G5 S2
Polioptila caerulea Blue-gray Gnatcatcher G5 S1B,SZN
Catharus fuscescens Veery G5 S2B,SZN
Hylocichla mustelina Wood Thrush G5 S2B,SZN
Mimus polyglottos Northern Mockingbird G5 S3B,SZN
Oreoscoptes montanus Sage Thrasher G5 S2B,SZN
Anthus spragueii Sprague's Pipit G4 S2B,SZN
Vireo flavifrons Yellow-throated Vireo G5 S2B,SZN
Mniotilta varia Black-and-white Warbler G5 S2S3B,SZN
Dendroica cerulea Cerulean Warbler G4 S1B,SZN
Vermivora virginiae Virginia's Warbler G5 S3B,SZN
Piranga olivacea Scarlet Tanager G5 S2B,SZN
Spizella breweri Brewer's Sparrow G5 S2B,SZN
Ammodramus bairdii Baird's Sparrow G4 S2B,SZN
Ammodramus henslowii Henslow's Sparrow G4 SUB,SZN
Ammodramus leconteii LeConte's Sparrow G4 S1S2B,SZN
Ammodramus nelsoni Nelson's Sparrow G5 S2B,SZN
Rhynchophanes McCown's Longspur G5 SUB,SZN
Sturnella magna Eastern Meadowlark G5 S2B,SZN
Carpodacus cassinii Cassin's Finch G5 S2B,S2N


Ichthyomyzon unicuspis Silver Lamprey G5 SA
Acipenser fulvescens Lake Sturgeon G3 S2
Scaphirhynchus albus Pallid Sturgeon LE SE G1 S1
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus Shovelnose sturgeon LT G4 S4
Lepisosteus osseus Longnose Gar G5 S3
Anguilla rostrata American Eel G5 SA
Alosa chrysochloris Skipjack Herring G5 S3
Hiodon tergisus Mooneye G5 SU
Umbra limi Central Mudminnow G5 S1
Couesius plumbeus Lake Chub G5 SH
Nocomis biguttatus Hornyhead Chub G5 S3
Notropis blennius River Shiner G5 S2
Notropis heterolepis Blacknose Shiner SE G5 S1
Notropis percobromus Carmine Shiner G5 S2
Notropis shumardi Silverband Shiner G5 S3
Notropis topeka Topeka Shiner LE G3 S3
Phenacobius mirabilis Suckermouth Minnow G5 S1
Chrosomus eos Northern Redbelly Dace ST G5 S2
Chrosomus neogaeus Finescale Dace SE G5 S1
Chrosomus erythrogaster Southern Redbelly Dace G5 S1
Macrhybopsis gelida Sturgeon Chub ST G2 S2
Macrhybopsis meeki Sicklefin Chub SE G3 S1
Macrhybopsis storeriana Silver Chub G5 S2
Margariscus nachtriebi Northern Pearl Dace ST G5 S2
Carpiodes cyprinus Quillback G5 S3
Catostomus catostomus Longnose Sucker ST G5 S1
Catostomus platyrhynchus Mountain Sucker G5 S3
Cycleptus elongatus Blue Sucker G3G4 S3
Hypentelium nigricans Northern Hog Sucker G5 SA
Ictiobus niger Black Buffalo G5 SU
Moxostoma erythrurum Golden Redhorse G5 S2
Percopsis omiscomaycus Trout-Perch G5 S2
Fundulus diaphanus Banded Killifish SE G5 S1
Fundulus sciadicus Plains Topminnow G4 S3
Percina caprodes Logperch G5 S3
Percina maculata Blackside Darter G5 S2
Percina phoxocephala Slenderhead Darter G5 S2


Sorex nanus Dwarf Shrew G4 S1
Sorex palustris Water Shrew G5 SH
Sorex arcticus Arctic Shrew G5 S1
Sorex merriami Merriam's Shrew G5 S1
Sorex hoyi Pygmy Shrew G5 S2
Cryptotis parva Least Shrew G5 S3
Myotis evotis Long-Eared Myotis G5 S1
Myotis thysanodes pahasapensis Fringe-Tailed Myotis G4G5T2 S2
Myotis septentrionalis Northern Myotis LT G4 S3
Lasionycteris noctivagans Silver-Haired Bat G5 S4
Corynorhinus townsendii Townsend's Big-Eared Bat G4 S2S3
Nycticeius humeralis Evening Bat G5 S1
Tamias striatus Eastern Chipmunk G5 S3
Spermophilus spilosoma Spotted Ground Squirrel G5 S1
Sciurus carolinensis Eastern Gray Squirrel G5 SU
Glaucomys sabrinus Northern Flying Squirrel G5 S2
Lemmiscus curtatus Sagebrush Vole G5 S1
Synaptomys cooperi Southern Bog Lemming G5 S1
Canis lupus Gray Wolf LE G4 SA
Vulpes velox Kit Or Swift Fox ST G3 S1
Ursus americanus Black Bear G5 S1
Mustela nigripes Black-Footed Ferret LE SE G1 S1
Spilogale putorius interrupta Plains Spotted Skunk G5T4 S3
Lontra canadensis Northern River Otter ST G5 S2
Lynx canadensis Lynx LT G5 SA
Puma concolor Mountain Lion G5 S2
Zapus hudsonius campestris Meadow Jumping Mouse G5T3 S3


Emydoidea blandingii Blanding's Turtle G4 S1
Graptemys pseudogeographica False Map Turtle ST G5 S3
Terrapene ornata Western Box Turtle G5 S2
Apalone mutica Smooth Softshell G5 S2
Apalone spinifera Spiny Softshell G5 S2
Holbrookia maculata Lesser Earless Lizard G5 S2
Phrynosoma hernandesi Short-Horned Lizard G5 S2
Sceloporus graciosus Sagebrush Lizard G5 S2
Sceloporus undulatus Northern Prairie Lizard G5 S2
Eumeces multivirgatus Many-Lined Skink G5 S1
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus Six-Lined Racerunner G5 S2
Diadophis punctatus Ringneck Snake G5 S2
Elaphe vulpina Fox Snake G5 S2
Heterodon platirhinos Eastern Hognose Snake ST G5 S2
Nerodia sipedon Northern Water Snake G5 S1
Storeria dekayi Brown Snake G5 S1
Storeria occipitomaculata Redbelly Snake G5 S3
Storeria occipitomaculata pahasapae Black Hills Redbelly Snake G5T3 S3
Tropidoclonion lineatum Lined Snake SE G5 S1
Liochlorophis vernalis Smooth Green Snake G5 S4


Entomobrya troglodytes A Cave Obligate Springtail G3 S1
Cicindela lepida Little White Tiger Beetle G4 S1
Cicindela nevadica makosika Indian Creek Tiger Beetle G5 S1
Amblycheila cylindriformis High Plains Tiger Beetle G5 S1
Nicrophorus americanus American Burying Beetle LE G2G3 S1
Chlorochroa belfragii Belfragi's Chlorochroan Bug G? SU
Oarisma powesheik Powesheik Skipperling LE G2 S2
Hesperia ottoe Ottoe Skipper G3G4 S2
Hesperia dacotae Dakota Skipper LT G2G3 S2
Atrytone arogos iowa Iowa Skipper G3G4T3T4 S2
Poanes massasoit Mulberry Wing G4 S1
Poanes viator Broad-Winged Skipper G5 S2
Speyeria idalia Regal Fritillary G3 S3
Speyeria atlantis pahasapa No Common Name G5T3 S3
Phyciodes batesii Tawny Crescent G4 S2


Alasmidonta marginata Elktoe G4 S1
Amblema plicata Threeridge G5 S2
Anodonta suborbiculata Flat Floater G5 S2
Arcidens confragosus Rock Pocketbook G4 S1
Cyclonaias tuberculata Purple Wartyback G5 SH
Elliptio dilatata Spike G5 S1
Fusconaia flava Wabash Pigtoe G5 S1
Lampsilis higginsii Higgins Eye LE G1G2 S1
Lampsilis teres Yellow Sandshell G5 S1
Lampsilis cardium Plain Pocketbook G5 S1
Lasmigona compressa Creek Heelsplitter G5 S1
Leptodea leptodon Scaleshell LE G1G2 S1
Ligumia recta Black Sandshell G4G5 S1
Ligumia subrostrata Pondmussel G5 S1
Obliquaria reflexa Threehorn Wartyback G5 S1
Obovaria olivaria Hickorynut G4 S1
Pleurobema sintoxia Round Pigtoe G4G5 S1
Potamilus alatus Pink Heelsplitter G5 S3
Quadrula fragosa Winged Mapleleaf LE G1 SX
Quadrula pustulosa Pimpleback G5 S1
Quadrula quadrula Mapleleaf G5 S2
Strophitus undulatus Creeper G5 S3
Toxolasma parvus Lilliput G5 S3
Quadrula verrucosa Pistolgrip G4G5 S1
Truncilla donaciformis Fawnsfoot G5 S2
Truncilla truncata Deertoe G5 S2
Uniomerus tetralasmus Pondhorn G4 S1
Pyganodon grandis corpulenta Stout Floater G5T5Q SU
Utterbackia imbecillis Paper Pondshell G5 S1


Vertigo arthuri Dakota Vertigo G2 S2
Vertigo paradoxa Mystery Vertigo G2G4 S1
Discus shimekii Striate Disc G4 S2
Catinella gelida No Common Name G2 S1
Oreohelix strigosa cooperi Cooper's Rocky Mountainsnail G5T1 S2

Key to codes used in Natural Heritage Database species list:


LE = Listed endangered
LT = Listed threatened
LELT = Listed endangered in part of range, threatened in part of range 
C = Candidate for federal listing, information indicates that listing is justified.
PE = Proposed endangered
PT = Proposed threatened


SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened

An endangered species is a species in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range. (applied rangewide for federal status and statewide for state status)

A threatened species is a species likely to become endangered in the foreseeable future.

Global/State Rank Definition (applied rangewide for global rank and statewide for state rank)

G1 S1 Critically imperiled because of extreme rarity (5 or fewer occurrences or very few remaining individuals or acres) or because of some factor(s) making it especially vulnerable to extinction.

G2 S2 Imperiled because of rarity (6 to 20 occurrences or few remaining individuals or acres) or because of some factor(s) making it very vulnerable to extinction throughout its range.

G3 S3 Either very rare and local throughout its range, or found locally (even abundantly at some of its locations)in a restricted range,or vulnerable to extinction throughout its range because of other factors; in the range of 21 of 100 occurrences.

G4 S4 Apparently secure, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery. Cause for long term concern.

G5 S5 Demonstrably secure, though it may be quite rare in parts of its range, especially at the periphery.

GU SU Possibly in peril, but status uncertain, more information needed.

GH SH Historically known, may be rediscovered.

GX SX Believed extinct, historical records only.

G? S? Not yet ranked

_? _? Inexact rank

_T Rank of subspecies or variety

_Q Taxonomic status is questionable, rank may change with taxonomy

SZ No definable occurrences for conservation purposes, usually assigned to migrants

SP Potential exists for occurrence in the state, but no occurrences

SR Element reported for the state but no persuasive documentation

SA Accidental or casual

Bird species may have two state ranks, one for breeding (S#B) and one for nonbreeding seasons (S#N). Example: Ferruginous Hawk (S3B,SZN) indicates an S3 rank in breeding season and SZ in nonbreeding season.