
Photo © Jim Thompson Jr.

Hunting Areas

South Dakota has over 5 million acres of hunting opportunity on public land as well as on private land leased for public hunting.

The South Dakota Public Hunting Atlas is a hunter's guide to all lands open to public access. Access includes federal and state-owned lands as well as private land leased for public hunting access.

The atlas contains maps and information on South Dakota's Walk-In Areas, Game Production Areas (GPAs), Waterfowl Production Areas (WPAs), School and Public Lands, National Forests and Grasslands, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands and other lands open to public hunting. The atlas is printed annually and available in early August. Check out the most recent updates available within the hunting atlas.

South Dakota is approximately 80 percent privately owned, and as a result, the vast majority of hunting that occurs across the state occurs on private land. Finding a place to hunt can be a challenging task at times, but is very achievable. This is best accomplished by demonstrating respect to the wildlife, the land and water that we recreate on, and of course, to the landowner.

Respect. Just a word on a paper, but a very powerful element of landowner relations that opens doors and creates rapport, and will ultimately benefit all hunters for years to come. Wildlife is owned by no one and is held in trust for the benefit of present and future generations. Hunting and fishing, and gaining permission to access private land are privileges.

Let’s help out our future generations on gaining access to private lands by demonstrating respect to the wildlife, the land and water we recreate on, and to the landowner. 

Where to hunt - Private Land Open for Hunting
where to hunt - Public Lands Open for Hunting