
Becoming an Outdoors Woman

Becoming an Outdoors-Woman, or BOW, is a national education program that strives to make women more comfortable in and more aware of the outdoor world around them.

The BOW workshop, hosted annually each fall, focuses on the learning of outdoor skills - skills usually associated with hunting and fishing, but useful for many outdoor pursuits.

Designed primarily for women, it is an opportunity for anyone 18 years of age or older, and is for you if:

  • You have never tried these activities, but have hoped for an opportunity to learn.
  • You are a beginner who hopes to improve your skills.
  • You know how to do some of these activities, but would like to try your hand at some new ones.
  • You are just looking for the camaraderie of like-minded individuals.

Event Overview

  • Designed for women
  • Must be 18 years or older
  • Participate in four classes of your choice, including activities such as archery, fly fishing, birding, shooting, paddling, photography and much more
  • Take part in several group activities
  • Class materials and equipment provided
  • Several meals included
  • Lodging provided in shared, one-room sleeping cabins
  • Bring your own bedding and personal items
  • No alcohol
  • No smoking
  • No pets

Workshop Schedule and Information

For more information contact:

Tami Herren