
Photo © Sam Stukel


Bluegills are found in cool to warm habitats in shallow vegetated areas of lakes, pounds and impoundments. It is found statewide and feeds on plankton, crustaceans, insects and small fishes.

Bluegills have a deep, laterally compressed body with a small mouth and head and a very flexible black ear flap without a light colored margin. The body will be olive to brown on the back to a whitish yellow belly with a dark spot at the base of the soft dorsal fin and vertical bars on the body. The mature males can have an intense orange breast. 


Sunfish (Bluegill, Green, Pumpkinseed, Redear, Orangespotted)  - Limits apply to any comibination.

Daily Limit: 


Possession Limit: 


Proud Angler Qualifications: 

1lb and 10 in (releases fish only)