Threatened and Endangered Species
Game, Fish and Parks is involved in many aspects of species recovery. The state’s endangered species law describes the responsibilities of state agencies for listing and recovering state threatened or endangered species. GFP also partners with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help recover federal listed species found in the state.
South Dakota’s Wildlife Action Plan is focused on the needs of species identified as species of greatest conservation need, which include nearly all of South Dakota’s state and/or federal listed threatened or endangered species.
If you plan to sample or collect any species listed as a state threatened or endangered species, you must request a state endangered species authorization.
Name |
Scientific Name |
Federal Status |
State Status |
American burying beetle |
Nicrophorus americanus |
LE |
Scaleshell |
Leptodea leptodon |
LE |
Higgins Eye |
Lampsilis higginsii |
LE |
Dakota skipper |
Hesperia dacotae |
LT |
Poweshiek skipperling |
Oarisma poweshiek |
LE |
Name |
Scientific Name |
Federal Status |
State Status |
Banded killifish |
Fundulus diaphanus |
SE |
Blacknose shiner |
Notropis heterolepis |
SE |
Finescale dace |
Chrosomus neogaeus |
SE |
Longnose sucker |
Catostomus catostomus |
ST |
Northern pearl dace |
Margariscus nachtriebi |
ST |
Northern redbelly dace |
Chrosomus eos |
ST |
Pallid sturgeon |
Scaphirhynchus albus |
LE |
SE |
Shovelnose sturgeon |
Scaphirhynchus platorynchus |
LT |
Sicklefin chub |
Macrhybopsis meeki |
SE |
Sturgeon shub |
Macrhybopsis gelida |
ST |
Topeka shiner |
Notropis topeka |
LE |
Name |
Scientific Name |
Federal Status |
State Status |
Eastern hognose snake |
Heterodon platirhinos |
ST |
False map tutle |
Graptemys pseudogeographica |
ST |
Lined snake |
Tropidoclonion lineatum |
SE |
Name |
Scientific Name |
Federal Status |
State Status |
American dipper |
Cinclus mexicanus |
ST |
Eskimo curlew |
Numenius borealis |
LE |
SE |
Interior least tern |
Sterna antillarum athalassos |
LE |
SE |
Osprey |
Pandion haliaetus |
ST |
Peregrine falcon |
Falco peregrinus |
SE |
Piping plover |
Charadrius melodus |
LT |
ST |
Whooping crane |
Grus americana |
LE |
SE |
Rufa Red Knot |
Calidris canutus rufa |
LT |
Name |
Scientific Name |
Federal Status |
State Status |
Black-footed ferret |
Mustela nigripes |
LE |
SE |
Gray wolf |
Canis lupus |
LE (statewide) |
Northern long-eared bat |
Myotis septentrionalis |
LT |
Northern river otter |
Lontra canadensis |
ST |
Swift fox |
Vulpes velox |
ST |
Name |
Scientific Name |
Federal Status |
State Status |
Western prairie fringed orchid |
Platanthera praeclara |
LT |
Leedy's Roseroot |
Rhosiola integrifolia ssp. leedyi |
LT |
Key to Codes:
LE = Federal Endangered
LT = Federal Threateded
C = Federal Candidate
PE = Proposed Endangered
PT = Proposed Threatened
SE = State Endangered
ST = State Threatened