Accessible Areas
Contact GFP Permitting Office
20641 SD Highway 1806 | Fort Pierre, SD 57532 | 605.223.7665
Accessibile Game Production Areas
Game Production Areas (GPAs) enhanced for accessibility will permit access with all-terrain vehicles or other vehicles on special designated roads and trails for individuals who have obtained a disabled hunter permit.
Due to safety concerns, potential fire danger and to protect and maintain wildlife habitat, vehicles are not allowed to travel off trails, except for a direct trail line to retrieve downed game.
Any passengers in or on the disabled hunters permittee's vehicle must be non-hunters, and all firearms must be fully cased and unloaded while the vehicle is in motion or transit. The access vehicle must come to a complete stop with the motor turned off while aiming, firing, or shooting a weapon. Disabled hunter permittees cannot use vehicles to retrieve game for other hunters and cannot use vehicles to chase, harass, pursue or intercept wildlife.
Accessible trails and hunting blinds have been selected for ease of access, adequate pull-off areas, and are located in areas where a person will have a likely opportunity to view various wildlife and game species. Please be aware that such public hunting areas will expose disabled hunters or other persons with physical disabilities, to various degrees of physical risk. Due to variability of the terrain and topographical conditions on these areas, not all parts of these GPAs will be entirely accessible to hunters with disabilities.
Please remember, these public hunting areas are unattended, and there is little chance GFP personnel would be in the local area in the event of an accident or if emergency assistance is needed. It is the hunter's responsibility and right to decide if these areas are safe for their use and so will need to judge their own ability to safely access and use these areas.
Accessible Public Hunting Areas
The following Game Production Areas are managed for wildlife production and public hunting opportunities.
- Badger GPA- in Lawrence County is located 3 miles west and 2 miles south of Spearfish. This area offers hunting opportunities for deer, elk, and turkey.
- Carpenter GPA- in Lyman County near Chamberlain. This area is adjacent to the Missouri River (Lake Francis Case) and located 1 mile west, 1 mile south, 2 1/2 miles west, and 3 miles south of Oacoma. The area has a combination of row crops, grassland, shelterbelts, and river breaks. This area offers hunting opportunities for deer, pheasants, grouse, and coyotes.
- Long Lake GPA- in Jerauld County is located 7 miles west and 6 miles north of Wessington Springs. The area features deer and waterfowl hunting.
- Byre GPA in Lyman County is located 7 miles south of I-90 on highway 47. This area contains a disabled access trail and offers hunting opportunities for pheasant, deer and turkey.
- Hololubek GPA- in Brule County in located 4 miles west and 12 miles south of Kimball and contains an accessible duck hunting blind and vehicle access.
- Buffalo Lake GPA- in Minnehaha County, located 7 miles northwest of Colton and contains an accessible waterfowl hunting blind.
- Kamp GPA- in Moody county, located 6 miles south of Brookings and contains an accessible hunting blind offering opportunities for deer and turkey hunting.
- Mydland Pass GPA - in Day county is located 8 miles north and 7 miles west of Webster. This area has a primitive trail that can be traveled using off-road vehicles. It offers deer, waterfowl and pheasant hunting.
- Ortley GPA - in Roberts county is located ½ mile west and 1 mile north of Ortley. This area has a trail that can be traveled with a vehicle and offers deer and turkey hunting.
- Besler Ranch- Walk In Area in Perkins County contains a designated area exculsively available to hunters with disabilities and offers hunting opportunities for deer, pronghorn and pheasants.
- Cooperative Management Areas – COOP areas are private land leased for public hunting access that permit disable hunter permit holders to drive on them to hunt. Most are located in the northeast part of the state and primarily provide deer, pheasant, and waterfowl hunting opportunity. See the public hunting maps for the locations of these areas.