
Photo © Sam Stukel

Green Sunfish

The Green Sunfish is found in cool to warm water habitats where they are most abundant in smaller waterbodies including wetlands, stock ponds and small streams. They are less common in large lakes, rivers or larger impoundments. They feed on crustaceans, insects and small fishes.

The Green Sunfish has a laterally compressed body that appears greenish-blue to olive in color with orange or yellow breast and a dark spot at the base of the dorsal fin. They have a large mouth and head along with dark, short ear flap that is inflexible with white to yellow margin. Their face below the eye has distinct bright blue-green flecks or worm-like markings. 


Sunfish (Bluegill, Green, Pumpkinseed, Redear, Orangespotted) - Limits apply to any combination. 

Daily Limit:


Possession Limit: