
Flathead Catfish

Flathead Catfish are restricted to large rivers in southeast South Dakota and Lake Mitchell in Davison County. Their preferred habitat is in warm water of large rivers and impoundments. Flathead Catfish seem to avoid fast currents and deep pools with abundant cover. Here they feed on live or dead fish bit may also eat insects and crustaceans. 

The body of the flathead catfish is tubular in shape and lacking scales. Their body will be brown to yellow and mottled or speckled with darker brown to black and yellow then to a cream colored belly. Their lower jaw will protrude jaw and the head is flattened. Barbels are also present with a square tail (caudal) fin.  


Catfish - Limits apply to any combination.

Daily Limit:


Possession Limit:


Proud Angler Qualifications:

15 lbs and 30 in (released fish only)