
Photo © Sam Stukel

Channel Catfish

The Channel Catfish is found statewide primarily in warm water habitats of larger streams, rivers, lakes and impoundments. In turbid rivers, the larger individuals occupy pools especially those associated with logs and brush. Channel Catfish feed on crustaceans, insects, fish (live or dead) and waste deposits.

The Channel Catfish has tubular shaped body lacking scales and are dark olive to gray on the back and lighter olive to yellow on the sides of the body with a white belly. Dark spots on their sides are present in the younger individuals. The deeply forked tail (caudal) fin and the barbels are a striking characteristic of this species.


Catfish - Limits apply to any combination. 

Daily Limit:


Possession Limit:


Proud Angler Qualifications:

15 lbs and 30 in (released fish only)